Decompression is a form of disc therapy that works to mechanically re-hydrate your discs. This therapy helps to reduce symptoms associated with disc compression and disc herniation. We have helped hundreds of patients reduce and eliminate their back pain through a combination of disc decompression, spinal alignments and spinal therapeutic exercises consisting of stretching/mobility and strengthening. We can help you.
Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms?
Sciatica - Pain or stiffness down the leg or buttocks
Paresthesia - Tingling or numbness down your arm(s) or leg(s)
Radiating pain down your shoulder, arm, hand, leg, or foot
Have you been diagnosed with any of the following?
Disc Degeneration
Disc Compression
Spinal Stenosis
Disc Herniation
Disc Bulge (protrusion, extrusion)
If you answered “YES” to any of these, we may have a solution you’ve been waiting for.
Once you have had a spinal and posture assessment and we have determined the cause of your symptoms or condition, we will create a customized care plan for you. This care plan may consist of disc therapy, spinal alignments and home care exercises, which are designed to increase flexibility and increase strength to the spine and core.
It is this combined approach that gives the greatest results.